Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Valentine's Day Challenge

So Mrs Fickle and the Loopy Pear's page insights tell me that we have zero male likers! Zip!
I know we have had several male customers but I guess they aren't likers or Facebook is telling me fibs.
Anyway... I originally thought I would just do a status update telling husbands, partners and boyfriends that a Mrs Fickle piece might be a nice idea for a Valentine's Day gift but after checking the stats I'm thinking that wouldn't work very well so here's the plan...

You do the telling for me! Tell your husband/boyfriend/partner that a Mrs Fickle piece would be a really great Valentine's Day gift and get him to email me at before Monday 24th January and tell me why you are his Valentine. I'll choose my favourite answer and offer him a pendant of his choice at half price and get it to him in time for Valentine's Day. It's then up to him if he wants to tell you he's won or if he wants to keep it as a surprise for his Valentine <3

Open to australia residents only

1 comment:

  1. I'm so getting my partner to do this!! It's an excellent idea :-)
